
Daily service from Dorgali to Cagliari and Sassari

Autonoleggio by Andrea Secci Gisellu is a Dorgali company specialized in offering short, long and medium term car rental services.
In addition to providing minivans, minibuses, minivans and sports cars for rent, the Nuoro company also deals with daily trips from Dorgali to Cagliari, a service especially appreciated by those who need a transport service to and from ports and airports.

The company also organizes exciting excursions in the most picturesque areas of the Costa Smeralda and Barbagia.

If you want to learn more about the services offered or want to request a car rental service, call +39 0784 95130.

To request the rental of a minibus fill out the following form

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Location and contact details

Via Catte, 5
08022 Dorgali (NU)
+39 0784 95130

Opening hours

Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours
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